our principles

Environmental Policy

Code of Environmental Friendly Behaviour
Salty Miles recognizes that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.

Salty Miles is responsible for ensuring that this environmental policy is implemented, however, all employees have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of this policy are met.


We endeavor to:
  • Comply with all relevant regulatory requirements.
  • Continually improve and monitor environmental performance.
  • Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts.
  • Increase employee and clients awareness through the partnership with Green Sail and World Sailing Sustainable Education Programme.
  • Developing partnerships and projects with other organizations, trusts, charities and businesses.


We will:
  • Never throw any waste over the side.
  • Reduce the amount of waste. For example, removing a package before we take things on board or buying food without a package.
  • Re-use whatever we can. For example, refilling plastic drink bottles.


We will:
  • Use email rather than printed materials to communicate and promote our activities where it's possible.
  • Minimize the creation of waste. We will only print and photocopy if absolutely essential and then print double-sided.
  • Recycle as much waste as possible by providing an adequate clearly labeled bin.


We will seek to:
  • Increase employee and clients awareness about the necessity of great attention while refueling.
  • Ensure that our boats are fueled safely and responsibly to avoid spillages and pollution. Regularly check and maintain our fleet engines to avoid any leaks.
  • Always use containers made for holding oil and fuel.
  • Use absorbent spill mats to absorb the oil and fuel.
  • When filling a small outboard from a jerry can, you can use a special nozzle, which prevents overfilling.
  • Minimize the use of water in all of our activities, we will turn off taps when not in use, take shower shortly and use a water maker.


We will:
  • Minimize the use of electricity in all of our activities. For example, we are replacing old light bulbs with energy efficient models and using air conditioning as little as possible.
  • Minimize the waste creation. For example, printing documents if it is absolutely necessary.
  • Recycle as much waste as possible by providing an adequate clearly labeled bin and increasing our waste and recycling bins and/or collections during busy events.
  • Publicize our environmental commitment and promote sustainability amongst our suppliers, customers and visitors on our website and office notice boards.


We will:
  • Use the suitable containers provided by the marina for the recycling purposes and disposal of hazardous waste streams.
  • Offer our customers the option to replace the cleaning products which chartering companies provide as part of their charter fee to eco-friendly versions.
  • Use a holding tank if you have one fitted and empty at least 3 miles from shore.
  • Use toilets on-shore whenever possible.


We will:
  • Navigate carefully around wildlife on the water – keep our distance.
  • Take care when anchoring to avoid damaging the seabed.


We will:
  • Comply with all relevant regulatory requirements.
  • Continually improve and monitor environmental performance.
  • Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts.


We will:
  • Update this policy once annually in consultation with staff and other stakeholders where necessary.

© 2022-2023 Salty Miles
All materials are intellectual property. Use is possible only with written permission.
Banking Details
  • Salty Miles obrt za turizam i usluge
  • Owner Aleksandra Ivanković
  • OIB 07758572322
  • 51415 Croatia, Lovran, Cesta Lovranska Draga 39
  • IBAN HR5124020061140444115
  • Email us: info@saltymiles.com
  • Call us: +385 97 7147 132